Anyone could do watercolors!

Have you ever taken a class where you were actually excited to show up? In college, I had the best film teacher you can ever imagine. He went by his first name and man, people enjoyed his class so much that most of us showed up early to class. He was the liveliest, most dynamic professor I ever had. So that's the energy I want to convey - a cross between my film teacher and the legendary Bob Ross.

Best of all? He made learning film so much fun that everyone in the class loved discussing film. You're going to love telling all your friends about watercolors!

Elements of Style

I teach you different techniques so you can develop your own, personal style. You and I may not necessarily like the same things and that's great! I teach you how to develop your own style throughout the course.

Children's paints

You'll see me paint with anything! Here, I'm using $3.99 children's paints. So that means you can paint with your kids!

One big gripe I have nowadays is they cut Art classes in too many schools. So now you'll be able to teach your kids or your sibling's kids how to paint with watercolors!

Everyone loves Marilyn

Everyone loves Marilyn! Did you know that Joe DiMaggio was trying to get back together with her when she died? Well, here's a little bit of Pop Art for you. And once again, I teach you different methods so you can develop your own, personal style.

You'll be creating beautiful sunsets right away!

I teach two ways to paint sunsets - a wet on wet wash and a wet on dry wash.

What's the difference? I'll explain that too.

One, you'll inevitably like better than the other.

Try them both! You'll decide which direction you want to go. There are no wrong answers.

Even better? We encourage you to experiment. And we encourage you to have fun. After all, shouldn't art be fun?

Exercises that make sense

I had a roller skating teacher once who showed why we did every single exercise we did. She would do something very basic. Then she showed the advanced technique that the basic technique was based on. We all thought that was so cool!

I do the same thing here. I only have a few exercises for you. But I explain in detail why I have you doing these exercises and what you'll get out of them.

Watercolors have mental health benefits

How stressful is your life? Do you feel overwhelmed at times?

Everyone knows that one of the absolute best things you can do for yourself is to bring your stress levels down. And one of the absolute best ways to do that?


You'll find watercolors soothing. They will take you to a more relaxed state.

Millions of people around the world can attest to this. If in doubt, ask a local watercolor artist.

And watch closely the expressions on their faces. You could tell how much inner peace watercolors add into their lives.

You can enjoy these same benefits!


I start off the course telling you what you'll need. The good news is you may already have a lot of the supplies you'll be using around your home. I also tell you how to take care of your supplies.

You may not need to buy the most expensive supplies. I have a mix of cheap to expensive brushes and paints.

I also teach you how to do more with less. I'll teach you to mix paints to the point where you may only really need three tubes of paint.

Are you ready to learn something new?

Frequently asked questions

"Will I need to buy a lot of supplies?"

Immediately in the course, I tell you what you'll need to purchase. I'll even tell you where you can cut corners because I understand that some of us are on a budget.

"Do I have to be good at drawing?"

It definitely helps but if you just want to paint, I included templates for you. If you have a decent printer, you can print straight onto the watercolor paper. Or if you don't, you can do your best to copy from the template.

"But I'm not a natural artist."

I was drawing stick figures in my late 20s. I'm definitely not a natural artist. I just love this so much that I got good at it. So you can too because you'll absolutely love this course!

"My art teacher in high school was confusing."

I used to tutor children with learning disabilities. So I've learned to communicate directly, and also go at a pace where I don't lose my students.

"Are watercolors hard?"

Honestly, some watercolor techniques are quite challenging. I don't cover those techniques in this course. I'll cover more introduction to watercolors techniques and I'll do the more advanced ones in my upcoming intermediate course.

"How long will the course take?"

I strongly advise people to go at their own pace. Some people pick up techniques faster than others, and that's perfectly ok. I encourage people to put fun first. When you have that mindset, you learn without feeling like you're learning. And that's actually a great way to learn!

"Does this course cover color theory?"

Yes. And I make it simple enough to understand that you can explain it to your children.

"Will I have something I can show off by the end of the course?"

Something as in singular? You'll have a lot more than one piece you can show off by the time you're done with this course.

Let's get this party started!